
Instructions for vasectomy patients. 

The following instructions are for men who are visiting the clinic for a vasectomy.

  • The day prior to the vasectomy, shave your scrotum and base and sides of the penis as shown in the diagram using a safety razor. Do not use depilatory cream or an electric razor. Trim any remaining hair with scissors.
  • You should cease taking any anti-inflammatory drugs 7 days prior to the surgery. These include Nurofen, Asprin, Disprin, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Naproxen etc. Please call the clinic for specific advice if you are uncertain and before you stop taking any medicine which has been prescribed by another doctor. Paracetamol is OK if you require some form of pain relief.

We are at 120 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, approximately 300m to the East of Central Station.

Click for location in Google Maps

Bring the following

  • Medicare card. (or number, including expiry date and your Medicare reference number)
  • Payment of the balance of the fee is required prior to admission for treatment. We accept EFTPOS, Mastercard, Visa or cash.
  • An extra pair of snug fitting underpants
  • A list of any medication that you are currently taking
  • We will provide you with a gown and a locker to store your clothes and personal belongings.
  • A GP referral is not required, although if your GP has provided you with a referral letter, please give this to our receptionist upon arrival.
  • Please shower before your appointment and wear snug fitting underpants.

Your appointment

You will usually be at the clinic for approximately 2 hours. (3 hours if having IV sedation)

We do not require you to arrive early. Upon arrival you will be asked to read and compete several forms. You will then have a consultation with the doctor who will be performing the procedure.

At the time of making the appointment, your arrival time is only an estimate and you may be asked to arrive slightly earlier, or slightly later on the day of the procedure.   Please call the clinic around 10am on the morning of your appointment to confirm the best arrival time.

For patients who have elected to have  intravenous sedation

Most patients find that the vasectomy procedure is tolerable with a local anaesthetic and this avoids the need to fast prior to the procedure and you can drive yourself to and from the clinic. However if you would prefer to have the procedure performed under IV sedation, you must advise us at the time of booking your appointment.

  • No food or drink for 6 hours prior to appointment.
  • You should drink plain water or clear apple juice until 2 hours prior to your appointment.
  • The duration of your visit will be longer, usually around 3 hours.
  • You must not drive a vehicle, operate machinery or sign legal documents until the following day, so please make suitable arrangements to travel home after the procedure.


We ask that if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call us as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours before your appointment. if you would like to cancel your appointment, your deposit will be refunded by EFT.

Rescheduling or cancelling your appointment less than 48 hours prior to your appointment time will result in the forfeiting of your deposit.


We are located at 120 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills.

The Private Clinic is on your left if you are walking from Central Station along Devonshire Street, on the Northern side of the street. We are just past the corner of Holt Street.

We don’t have a sign on the front of our building. Look for a cream coloured building with a black gate.

Please note that Devonshire Street has been temporarily closed to car traffic during the construction of the CBD and SouthEast light rail project.

If coming by car along Elizabeth Street, heading South, you must turn left into Cooper Street (the street before Devonshire). Take the first available parking space because we are only a short walk from there.

If coming from the East, drive down Foveaux Street, turn left into Waterloo Street (just after Riley St), then turn right at Cooper St and take the first available parking space.


Metered street parking is available in the surrounding area. Best parking is in Cooper Street, Holt Street and Waterloo Street. Parking is not possible on Devonshire Street owing to the light rail construction.

Google Maps

Click to open location in Google Maps

After your appointment

After the operation you should rest for the remainder of the day. Avoid long periods of standing or walking for a week after the vasectomy. you may go back to work the next day. If your work involves heavy physical activity, you may need to take 1 week off. Contact sports should be avoided for 4 weeks, but gentle exercise may be resumed after 1 week

If you had IV sedation, you must not drive a car for the remainder of the day, so please make suitable arrangements for transport home from the clinic after the procedure. If you have arranged for a support person to accompany you home after the procedure, our nurses will call that person about 30 minutes prior to your anticipated discharge time.

We will provide you with;

  • A prescription for antibiotics, (only to be taken if advised by the doctor)
  • A pathology request form and a specimen jar for the semen analysis which must be done 3 months after the vasectomy. (not earlier)
  • Instructions for your aftercare
  • A copy of your payment receipt(s). We can claim your Medicare rebate on your behalf if your bank details are linked to your Medicare number.
  • A medical certificate may be provided if your occupation requires heavy lifting.


Non Medicare patients who have private insurance as required for their visa, will usually be able to claim a substantial portion of the fee from their private health insurance company.

If you have a Medicare card and if Medicare have recorded your bank details, the clinic can submit the claim for the Medicare rebate on your behalf. If you are unsure whether Medicare have your bank details on file, you should contact Medicare prior to your appointment, or request that clinic staff do not process your Medicare rebate until you have confirmed that your correct bank details are recorded.

If you have any questions, please call the clinic during business hours.


(optional) You can save time by downloading, reading and completing these forms before visiting the clinic, otherwise you can complete the forms upon arrival.

Admission form for vasectomy    (to be completed upon arrival)

Consent for vasectomy     (to be read before the doctor’s consultation and signed with the doctor)

Preparation for Vasectomy     (to be read as soon as you have made your appointment)

Vasectomy Aftercare Instructions      (to be read as soon as you have made your appointment and reviewed on the day of your procedure)