Contraceptive advice

and insertion of IUD’s

Contraceptive advice at the Private Clinic.

All patients attending for an abortion will have a  consultation with the doctor. This will include a discussion about your current contraception. If you would like to change what you are currently using, we can provide advice and a prescription for most types of contraception at the clinic.

For some of the more common oral contraceptive pills, when supplies are available, we will provide you with a supply for the first month, along with a prescription for subsequent months.

If you are considering a longer acting, intrauterine contraceptive implant (IUD) at the time of having a termination, this can usually be inserted immediately following the surgical abortion procedure, avoiding the need for a second procedure. Please call the clinic to discuss this option and whether you would be required to arrange any screening tests prior to insertion. For  women under 25, or who they (or their partner) have had more than one sexual partner over the last 12 months, it may be necessary to see your GP to arrange for a chlamydia test a few days prior to the insertion but please call the Private Clinic to discuss if this is required.

Emergency contraception

Is also called “the morning after pill” and is available over-the-counter at most pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Your pharmacist will need to discuss your medical history to ensure that it is safe for you to take this medication.

The morning-after-pill is most effective when taken as early as possible after unprotected intercourse. It is 95% effective when taken within 24 hours, 85% when taken within 24 to 48 hours, and 58% if taken between 48 and 72 hours. Even after 72 hours, it can still be effective.

You may experience spotting or vaginal bleeding earlier than expected. If you do not get your period within three weeks of taking the pills, you should either visit your local GP or the Private Clinic as you may be pregnant. 

Insertion of IUD’s (Intrauterine devices)

An IUD is a small T-shaped contraceptive device which is inserted into your uterus, usually in a day-surgery under sedation. Two nylon strings are attached to the IUD to allow for easy removal and they also allow you to occasionally check that the IUD is still in place in your uterus and hasn’t been dislodged or expelled.

There are three different types of IUD’s available at the Private Clinic. Two hormonal IUD options will provide contraceptive protection for 8 years and 5 years for the smaller version. The non hormonal (copper) IUD will provide contraceptive protection for 5 years.

You will need to see your doctor to discuss whether an IUD is suitable for you and which type of IUD is appropriate.

IUD’s are typically not suited for women who could be pregnant, have a current pelvic infection or STI, have abnormal, undiagnosed bleeding from your vagina, or if you are awaiting treatment following an abnormal PAP smear.

IUD’s do not offer any protection from sexually transmitted infections (STI), so a barrier method eg. condoms, should be used if there is any risk of acquiring an infection.

The contraceptive protection provided by an IUD is reversible upon removal. Studies show that your chances of getting pregnant after an IUD is removed are similar to women who had not been using any form of birth control.

Call the Private Clinic for more details about the insertion cost.

Instructions for patients who are considering an IUD.

Discuss with your GP. If you intend to have an IUD fitted, make an appointment with your GP to discuss this option with you and to perform the necessary tests. (see below)

If you are coming to the Private Clinic for a pregnancy termination, we can usually insert the IUD at the time of the termination, but only if you are 8 weeks pregnant or less, and have had the necessary tests performed beforehand (see below). Please inform us that you intend to have an IUD inserted when you make your appointment. You will usually need to allow a few days to arrange for your test results to be completed by the lab and sent to us.

Alternatively, we can talk to you about this option during your counseling and perform the necessary preliminary tests prior to the termination so that the insertion can be performed during your next period.

Vaginal Swabs. We require that your GP take some vaginal swabs  before you have an IUD inserted. These tests are considered “best practice” and are necessary to make sure that you don’t have any infection that you may be unaware of which could be introduced into your uterus on the IUD. A uterine infection, if undetected and not treated, could affect your future fertility.

The doctors abbreviations for the required tests are;

  • HVS – MC&S  (high vaginal swab – microscopy, culture and sensitivity)
  • Chlamydia – URINE PCR  (urine sample)

Ask your GP to request that the pathology lab forward a copy of the test results to The Private Clinic. FAX 9690-2505

When the results are available, usually after a few days, call the Private Clinic to make sure that we have received a copy of the results and that everything is OK to proceed with the IUD insertion.

Timing of insertion. The insertion of the IUD must take place during the first six days of your period, ideally between days 3 and 5. Call the Private Clinic when your period has started in order to schedule an appointment for it’s insertion. You should abstain from unprotected intercourse from the start of your period, until the IUD has been inserted.

Your appointment. On the day of your appointment at the Private Clinic;

  1. You will need to fast for 6 hours prior to your appointment time. (no food or water. Including lollies and gum)
  2. Bring a spare pair of underpants, a sanitary pad, a pair of warm socks and your Medicare card.
  3. We perform the insertion under IV sedation, so owing to the anaesthetic, you can not drive a car for the rest of the day after the procedure.
  4. We can arrange to supply you with the IUD, or if your GP gave you a prescription for a hormonal IUD, please arrange to have the prescription filled and bring it with you.
  5. The fee is payable on the day of the insertion.
  6. The Medicare rebate can be claimed on your behalf at the clinic, provided that you have registered your bank details with Medicare.

Removal of IUDs

If your IUD is approaching it’s expiry date, if you have decided to conceive, or if you would like to discontinue using an IUD for any other reason, the process to remove the IUD is typically very simple and may be performed by any GP who offers this service.

Many GPs who specialise in women’s health and contraceptive advice can remove an IUD in a simple, 5 minute procedure without the need for sedation. The removal will typically involve some short term discomfort for most women.

However, in some cases, the removal may not be possible without sedation owing to the IUD strings not being visible, or the removal may have been initiated by your GP but excessive discomfort was experienced and the removal was not completed.

The Private Clinic offers removal of IUD under sedation where removal by your GP was not possible, or was too painful.

When scheduling an appointment for an IUD removal under sedation, if continuous  contraceptive protection is required, you must abstain from unprotected intercourse for 7 days prior to the removal as it is possible to fall pregnant immediately following the removal of the IUD.

What do I do if I miss an oral contraceptive pill?

Missed OCP